About Me
I was born just down US 127 in Hamilton, Ohio. I moved to Greenville in 1976 with my wife Joyce. We raised our family here and Brian and Jana are now on their own and I get to play grandpa once in a while. That's a good thing! I went to college at Indiana University. I'm proud to call Ohio my home and especially Greenville. Lots of opportunities come your way when you are the Athletic Director of a school system and that got me involved in a few things. Here at home the EUM church has welcomed us and I eventually became involved with the Elks Lodge as well as the Moose. On the state level, I'm a lifetime member of the Ohio State Teachers Association, Ohio High School Interscholastic Athletic Association and numerous certifications from the Ohio High School Athletic Association. I'm proud to be a member of the Darke County Retired Teacher's Association. I know that these experiences will help me make good decisions when I'm elected to the Greenville School Board.
I've been in education all of my life. In 2000 I retired as Director of Athletics at Greenville Schools. Recent happenings in the district made me decide that I still have a lot of ideas and a few things to offer the district. Therefore, I've decided to run for the Greenville Board of Education in the November 8, 2011 election.
More than anything, I want to see Greenville Schools once again become a leader in education in Darke County and the State of Ohio. That's all about PRIDE. Somehow, we've lost our pride and I want to help get it back. Although I've been in sports for the majority of my life, we build schools to educate young people. We need good administrators, good teachers and support of the parents to turn out a good product which will be the leaders and contriubutors of our Community, Darke County, Ohio and our Nation. I've always been a strong advocate of education establishing GPA for co-curricular activities, scholar-athlete program as well as study tables.
Right now our positive attitude should be focused on getting the team aspect of our life here in Darke County back on line. Students, educators, moms, dads, grandparents, business owners all need to be involved with each other. This will build the strong team that we need and the school will become the focal point of our community once again. That is how we become strong as a school system and as a community.
If I'm elected, I hope that everyone feels comfortable bringing your thoughts, ideas and concerns to me. I'll listen! I may not have all of the answers to everything, but you'll always end up with an answer.
Since my whole life has been in education, I've seen the good and the bad ways to do a lot of things. Because of that, you'll get an answer based on that experience, not some answer that is self serving.
The Board of Education must work as a team and that's the way I've always worked. We can't afford to "rubber stamp" anything. I'll work to get the community behind the school system and move forward so that the people who live within the boundaries of this district have no doubt where their school is and why they are proud to be part of the district.
The School Project
Since it's inception last year, I've been part of the committee working on the new school project. Yes, I'm in favor of the new K-8 building and the K-12 project in general. It is time to put all of our differences behind us whatever they are and get this thing done. We need it to be built for the young people of this community so that they might one day consider raising a family here in Greenville and Darke County. We need to be accountable to our young people and lead by example.
Many people have asked me "will it really bring new business and industry to town?" Well it's certainly not going to hurt is it? Keeping our schools at the cutting edge of the educational process shows that we are a progressive community with that pride I've talked about. It won't happen over night, but it will happen.
There are 15,374 registered voters in this school district. I hope this election I see 60-80% of those people cast a positive vote for the new school project and for the next person to serve on the board of education. Make it a true majority of how people think.
We have some options: home schooling, open enrollment, on line schooling, shut down the system and using our heads about the new building. I've seen this on the ballot before under other programs and state funding. This is a good viable plan and right now it's the best plan we could have.
I'd like to go on record right now on a several things:
1. I'm opposed to special elections. They cost the district a lot of money. First we should educate our voters so they can make the right decisions.
2. Whether you agreed with the purchase of the land on Ohio St. or not, it's a done deal and most of those board members are gone now. It's paid for, let's make the best of it. Since we own it, it will be less millage needed to build the new K-8 building.
3. No one, including me, likes to vote to have more money taken from their paycheck. However, we can't change what has happened in the past and we are now at the point that we must move forward and make this district the best it can be for our students and our community.
4. We must start with positive comments and support each other. I'll work hard and listen to people. Communication is the key to our success. We need to be honest and accountable. We have to learn from our mistakes and not make them over and over.
I hope I've shed a little light on myself and what I stand for. I hope that you agree with me and that you will elect me to the Greenville Board of Education on November 8, 2011.
This blog will be a work in progress so Bookmark it and check back often.
I also hope that you'll check out the school project blog: http://letsbuilditgreenville.blogspot.com/